The investor is the King:The internet has opened up knowledge gaining opportunities for investors which have made them the King of the industry.
Earlier we have seen investors relying blindly on advisors
and, sometimes, even losing their hard-earned money in the
process. Not all advisors are the same and the hard work of
99% of them is undone by a handful of bad advice. On the
other side, regulations have also played a critical role. Day by
day the investor protection regulations have boosted
investorʼs confidence and the lowering distribution income is
directly benefiting investors in terms of boosting their returns.
Since the early 2000s, a lot of organizations started to invest
in digitizing their front end as well as back end as they realized
that this is a must for future survival. This has indeed come
true. We have seen lots of big brands who did not change their
business from offline to online only to stagnate in the market,
as new-age organizations have emerged as giants thanks to
digitization. Could we imagine two decades ago about
banking, broking, insurance, and MF and FD investments at
the click of a button? In the same way, what we canʼt be
imagining right now will get launched soon. Such is the power
of digitization.
Product Innovation:
The industry has kept pace with customer expectation,
modernization of society and cross border communications.
Across the sectors, there have been product innovations that
have helped the industry grow as well.